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Sentimental Journey Antiques

Sentimental Journey Antiques is part of a well-established collective of 35 dealers. It is the perfect destination for a visit to the lovely Old Town of Novato, in the North Bay, a short drive from San Francisco or the East Bay. Our shop alone is certainly worth the trip. Surrounding us you will find many ethnic restaurants, wine and beer tasting venues, small quaint cafes, boutiques, and beautiful streets to stroll making your visit a delightful one. While "antiquing" consider a visit to our sister store - Antiques Legacy, in beautiful San Anselmo. You will find that the stores complement each other.
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About Us
Welcome to Our Antique Collective

Sentimental Journey Antiques is part of a well-established collective of 35 dealers.

It is the perfect destination for a visit to the lovely Old Town of Novato, in the North Bay, a short drive from San Francisco or the East Bay. Our inventory is constantly changing but our space is always a treasure trove to make your experience a true "sentimental journey". Whether you are searching for that unique collectible your grandma owned, or simply looking for furnishings for your home, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you search for that item you came to find, or that other one you stumbled upon and fell in love with. 
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Sentimental Journey Antiques
Antiques & Collectibles

Visit us TODAY!

With dozens of antique dealers offering unique items and home furnishings, you’re sure to get lost at this hidden gem in charming Old Town Novato.

We Have Antiques for Every Room of Your Home





Dining Room Sets



Bedroom Sets

Dressers & Armoires

Mirrors & Decor

Home Office Desks

Office Chairs

Kitchen Table Sets

Vintage Clothing

 Kitchen Items






• And Much Much More!!
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Our inventory is constantly changing but our space is always a treasure trove to make your experience a true “sentimental journey”.

Whether you are searching for that unique collectible your grandma owned, or simply looking for furnishings for your home, our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you search for that item you came to find, or that other one you stumbled upon and fell in love with. Our shop alone is certainly worth the trip.
Shop Today